The ASICS World Triathlon Team touches down in Tokyo

The ASICS World Triathlon Team has touched down in Tokyo! Supporting the development of triathlon all around the world, let’s hear it for the class of Tokyo2020: Kaidi Kivioja (EST), Mehdi Essadiq (MAR), Romina Biagioli (ARG), Diego Moya (CHI), Basmla Elsalamoney (EGY) and Mohamad Maso (SYR).

After getting to the Olympic venue for the first time, the six of them had the opportunity to enjoy a bit of training together and were able to test their new running gear provided by ASICS.

“The atmosphere in the Village is incredible. It’s my first Olympic Games so I’m definitely going to the Opening Ceremony! I wasn’t at the Test Event so this is my first time at the venue… it’s great to see it all set up”, said Diego Moya. “You can sense a little tension but I’m one of the youngest here so I am not feeling the pressure. I want to start strong and be on that first pack - an excellent swim, really good bike and then enjoy the rest of the race.”

ASICS World Triathlon Team (formerly Team ITU between 2006-2017) has been World Triathlon’s elite athlete development programme since 2006. The primary objective of this project is to provide support, resources, and expertise to athletes from emerging/developing National Federations with the potential to compete at a World Triathlon Cup level and to qualify for the Olympic Games. At the same time increasing the number of coaches from emerging/developing National Federations gaining experience in the preparation and support of athletes competing at a World Triathlon Cup level.

World Triathlon Development is also looking after young talents, facilitating athletes’ careers from Junior to Elite and targeting the 2024 Paris Olympic Games and beyond.

At the beginning of each year there are between four and six designated “ASICS World Triathlon Team” events with five slots for female and five for male athletes. Following successful application by their National Federations, the chosen athletes can attend the events, with World Triathlon’s support giving them vital experience at World Cup level.

The World Triathlon support includes World Triathlon certified High-Performance coach on site and continuous follow-up and mentorship with athletes and home coaches, bike mechanic support and massage on site, accommodation with full board for 5 nights, travel reimbursement.

In brief:
Provide support, resources, and expertise to athletes from National Federations with the potential to qualify for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games through Olympic Ranking or “New Flag” or IOC Tripartite Commission Invitation or IOC Refugee Programme

Looking after young talents, facilitating their athlete careers from junior to elite, aiming for the Los Angeles 2028 Olympic Games and beyond

Projects are held in conjunction with World Triathlon Cup events (3-5 events / year)

Gender (50 % female | 5 men & 5 women) and geographical considerations in selection

Maximum 2 athletes per gender per nation

Support for two (2) Olympic Cycles:
    1st-2nd year: observation & pre-selection,
    3rd year: bigger pool, more given opportunity,
    4th year: performance-based selection, strict focus on Olympic qualification

Joint Athlete & Coach Education Features

New Team – ASICS World Triathlon Team | Paris 202– launch in November 2021


6 athletes made the Tokyo Olympics:
Kaidi Kivioja (EST) – Olympic Ranking | 2x Olympian Rio & Tokyo
Basmla Elsalamoney (EGY) – Africa New Flag | First ever Olympian in triathlon from Egypt
Mehdi Essadiq (MAR) – Africa New Flag | First ever Olympian in triathlon from Morocco
Romina Biagioli (ARG) – America New Flag
Diego Moya (CHI) – America New Flag
Mohamad Maso (SYR) – IOC Tripartite Invitation

6 athletes were very close (first to lose the qualification):
Romana Gajdosova (SVK) – Olympic Ranking
Badr Siwane (MAR) - Africa New Flag
Ognjen Stojanovic (SRB) – Europe New Flag
Antoanela Manac (ROU) – Europe New Flag
Leslie Amat (CUB) – America New Flag
Mohamad Alsabbagh (SYR) – IOC Tripartite Invitation

ASICS World Triathlon Team Figures (2017-2021)
29 athletes (18 males & 11 females) got an opportunity to be member of the team over the 5 years.
Representing 4 continents (Africa, America, Asia, Europe)
From 21 National Federations (ARG, ARU, BAR, BER, CHI, COL, CUB, ECU, EGY, EST, FIN, ICE, MAR, MRI, NAM, PHI, ROU, SRB, SLO, SVK, SYR)

The following team members made Olympic history by putting their countries on the triathlon start lines for the first time. (*first male or female triathlete of the respective nation):

Beijing 2008:
Barbara Riveros (CHI)*
Flora Duffy (BER)*
Lisa Norden (SWE)
Pavel Simko (SVK)
Yuliya Yelistratova (UKR)*

London 2012:
Carlos Javier Quinchara Forero* (COL)
Elizabeth Bravo (ECU)
Emma Davis (IRL)
Fabienne St. Louis (MRI)
Hervé Banti (MON)
Leonardo Chacon (CRC)*
Mateja Simic (SLO)
Min Ho Heo (KOR)

Rio 2016:
Jason Wilson (BAR)
Kaidi Kivioja (EST)*
Lawrence Fanous (JOR)
Manuel Huerta (PUR)
Ron Darmon (ISR)

Tokyo 2020:
Basmla Elsalamoney (EGY)
Mehdi Essadiq (MAR)

Further Olympians of the programme:
Marie Rabie (RSA) | Beijing
Kate Roberts (RSA)  | Beijing
Omar Tayara (SYR)  | Beijing
Christopher Felgate (ZIM) | Beijing
Richard Varga (SVK) | London
Bryan Keane (IRL)  | Rio
Ivan Ivanov (UKR) | Rio
Diego Moya (CHI) | Tokyo
Mohamad Maso (SYR) | Tokyo
Romina Biagioli (ARG) | Tokyo

Related Event

Jul 26 21 - Jul 31 21
Tokyo Major Games, Triathlon, Standard, Mixed Relay

Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games


Joanna Brown
Basmla Elsalamoney
Kaidi Kivioja
Mengying Zhong
Jaz Hedgeland

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