Travel & Accommodation
Closest Airport
Doha International Airport
Located 5km away from Doha city centre. An information booth will be located inside the airport terminal.
The LOC will provide free transportation between the airport and proposed hotels, as well as to all scheduled destinations.
Detailed transportation schedules will be available at the Sport Information Desks of the proposed hotels.
Important Notice: Please provide us with detailed flight information, to be filled in the Reservations Form, not later than 2 weeks before the event.
Host Hotel
The Official Hotel of the Doha 2006 ITU Triathlon World Cup is the Marriott Hotel (5km away from the Venue) Alternate hotel bookings will be at Rydges Hotel (1km away form the Venue).
DAGOC is subsidising the hotel prices in order to provide better rates for the athletes.
In specific the room rates are:
Marriott_ deluxe single (room with breakfast):450 QR/ 103 euros
Marriott_ deluxe double (room with breakfast):500 QR/ 114 euros (57 euros per person)
Rydges_ Single (room with breakfast): 350 QR/ 80 euros
Rydges_ Double (room with breakfast): 400 QR/ 91 euros (46 euros per person)
Additional Information:
-All rates are per room and include breakfast.
-No taxes or service charges apply to bedrooms reserved via the LOC Accommodation Department.
-All accommodation must be pre-paid by credit card.
-Hotel bookings will only be confirmed by the LOC once the completed and signed Accommodation Reservations Request form has been submitted and payment has been taken
Once payment has been taken, cancellation in not accepted of any booking in full or in part.
The fully completed and signed form is then to be returned to the Reservations Coordinator, by fax: +974 448 2848
Please confirm and finalize all your hotel reservations until FEBRUARY 18th.
If there are any questions or clarifications required on any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact the
Reservations Coordinator:
Ms Ailsa Henderson, ahenderson@dagoc2006.org, tell: +974 448-2758
IMPORTANT REMINDER: Please mail all the documentation required (Visa Application Form and copy of passport ) both required for your entrance in the State of Qatar, until FEBRUARY 18th.