2007 Limassol ITU Triathlon European Cup and Small States of Europe Championships

Travel & Accommodation

Closest Airport

Larnaca airport 70Km


Provided on request. Teams will have to confirm their travel arrangements 1 week prior to arrival. Cost of the transportation for person and bike €100.

Host Hotel

Reservations for the host hotel through Cyprus Triathlon Federation
Contact: Mrs Lenia Antoniades
Help for other hotel reservations on request.
In order to reserve accommodation and use our offers it is important that ½ of the amount is paid by 23rd of April, by bank transfer:

Beneficiary: Cyprus Triathlon Federation
Bank: The Cyprus Popular Bank Ltd
Account Number: 024-08-041886
IBAN: CY82003000240000002408041886

The rest is to be settled on arrival of the team.

