Travel & Accommodation
Closest Airport
Rhodes International Airport (http://www.hcaa-eleng.gr/rhod.htm)Distance from Hotel 5km
Please provide your flight details for your transportatio arragements to Katerina Kaloudi e:mail: katerina@triathlon-hellas.com
Host Hotel
Rhodos Palace (prise: 100 euros -double bed with breakfast and Dinner)
Resort Hotel- Convention Center
Trianton Ave., Ixia, P.O. BOx 121,851 00 Rodos, Greece
Tel +30 22410 25222, 26222 ISDN:+30 22410 97222 Fax: +30 22410 25350
Web Site: http://www.rodos-palace.gr E-mail: info@rodos-palace.gr
Distance from Rhodes Town 5Km
other hotel info websites:
Travel Info.
Semiramis Hotel Booking Information.
Lito Hotel Booking Information