Time Schedule
Thursday 26th
All teams arrival.
1000 – 1600 Register
Friday 27th
0600 – 0645 Register
0700 short briefing before starting
0830 Buddy Bike & Run race starts
1030 Race finish and award presentation
1045 - 12.00 Registration for Aquathlon
1300 - 1400 Aquathlon, Duathlon and Triathlon Briefing and Bike Inspection for Duathlon and Triathlon
1400 Transition area open for aquathlon participants
1500 Move to Aquathlon Race Starting
1600 Aquathlon race starts
1830 Race finished and Award presentation
Saturday 28th
0730 – 0800 Duathlon Transition area open and registration
0800 Short briefing before starting
0830 Duathlon race starts
1230 Race finished and Award presentation
Sunday 29th
0530 - 0645 Transition Open for Bike racking and Registration
0700 Opening Ceremony
0730 Move to race starting
0810 Short briefing before starting
0830 Sprint Triathlon starts
0845 Olympic Triathlon start
1245 Race finished
1830 – 2200 Award presentation and Crossing ceremony
Athlete Briefing
Friday 27th
1300 - 1400 Aquathlon, Duathlon and Triathlon Briefing and Bike Inspection for Duathlon and Triathlon