Travel & Accommodation
Closest Airport
Distance from the closest airports:
Brno = 25 kms
Prague = 200 kms
Ostrava = 180 kms
Bratislava (Slovakia) = 120 km
Vienna (Austria) = 120 kms
Local transportation provided from Brno Airport to Hotel Santon(The Centre of the race) and back.
Prize of local transportation: 15,- EUR return / 1 person
Host Hotel
(3 stars hotel, 100m from start of the race)
Address: Přístavní 38, 635 00 Brno - Bystrc
Tel.: +420 546 124 444, Fax: +420 546 222 361
Price for 1 night: 65,- Eur / 2 bed room (standard price = 80,- Eur!). The price includes free entry to the hotel Santon wellness center for 2 person.
Note: This special price is valid only if the competitors will order the accommodation from the organizer no later than 17.5. 2013! It will be charged by the presentation! Do not pay this special price at the hotel reception!
Method of the hotel payments: Cash payment to the organizers in case of the special price. Cash or credit cards in hotel for standard price.