Travel & Accommodation
Closest Airport
Edmonton International Airport
Visa requirements depending on Citizenship; Contact Triathlon Canada’s Program Coordinator, Frank Christie, at raceentries@triathloncanada.com
Local transportation provided for Elite athletes ONLY
Elite athletes - Please send your flight itineraries to athletes@edmontontriathlon.org one month in advance to race to secure transportation to and from airport.
For Car Rental - contact Budget Car and Truck Rentals of Edmonton on 1-800-661-7027 Please quote code “WCT” when booking vehicles.
Host Hotel
Sutton Place Hotel 10235 - 101 Street, Edmonton, AB T5J 3E9, is the Official Host Hotel for the 2013 Edmonton ITU Triathlon World Cup. We have secured a very reasonable rate of $115 plus tax per night per room. Please book early to ensure you get a room. The hotel is a 15-minute drive to the race venue in Hawrelak Park.
Please book your room by emailing sklemm@suttonplace.com Reference the 2013 Edmonton Triathlon World Cup to ensure your special rate.
Website: http://www.edmonton.suttonplace.com
Method of the hotel payments: Credit Card
Other Accommodation
Limited homestay available before Friday May 31. Please contact athletes@edmontontriathlon.org