2013 Kokshetau ITU Triathlon Asian Cup

Travel & Accommodation

Closest Airport

Airport Kokshetau, International Astana Airport, International Airport Almaty.

Distance from Almaty to Astana by airplane: 1.5 hours.
Distance from Almaty to Kokshetau by airplane: 2 hours.

For VISA contact at least one month in advance:
Visa support cost is about 40 USD per person



Bus from Astana Airport to Kokshetau (2,5 hours) and from Kokshetau Airport

Prize of local transportation:
30 USD per person one way


Host Hotel

The Organization Committee provides board and lodging for 3 athletes and 1 official from each country-member of ASTC during July 05 to 07, 2013. Extra room is about US$50 per person per night.
Contact: kaztriathlon@yandex.ru

Method of the hotel payments:
