2013 Osaka ITU Sprint Triathlon Asian Cup

Travel & Accommodation

Closest Airport

Kansai International Airport (KIX)

Osaka International Airport(ITM)

For visa requirements, please contact Kiriyo SUZUKI
k.suzuki@jtu.or.jp (copy to) jtuoffice@jtu.or.jp


Pick up available between Kansai International Airport , Shin Osaka Station or Universal Studios Japan Saqtion and the Hotel.
There are bus and train from Kansai or Oska Airport to Station.
Refer to above website.

Prize of local transportation: 1,000 JPY by bus and train


Host Hotel

Lodge Maishima
2-3-75 Kitakoryokuchi, Konohana-ku, Osak city, Japan 5540042 

Method of the hotel payments: Cash(JPY)
Credit card payment in advance is available

