2015 Istanbul ETU Sprint Triathlon European Cup

Travel & Accommodation

Closest Airport

From İstanbul Atatürk airport to above hotels 50 km

From İstanbul Sabiha Gökçen Airport to above hotels 25 km


A special shuttle service will be provided from airport to the designated hotels

From Atatürk airport 160 € (roundtrip)
From Sabiha Gökçen airport 120 € (roundtrip)

Phone: +90 533 737 3633, +90 532 732 0320, +90 532 342 9743
E-mail: ercanozturk@ozcelikturizm.com, polatizcavidan@hotmail.com

Host Hotel

Cevahir Asia Hotel

single room 250 TL (b&b)
double room 250 TL (b&b)

Phone: +90 216 500 0000
E-mail: cem.aksoy@cevahirhotelasia.com.tr
Web site: http://www.cevahirhotelasia.com.tr/

Elite Hotels

single room 56€(b&b)
double room 63€ (b&b)

single room 63€(b&b, dinner)
double room 70€ (b&b, dinner)

single room 70€ (b&b, lunch, dinner)
double room 77€(b&, lunch, dinner)

Phone :+90 216 441 6160
E-mail: canan.sarisaray@elitehotels.com.tr, reservation@elitehotels.com.tr
Web site : http://www.elitehotels.com.tr/Hotel/Elite-Hotel-Dragos/1

Sahil Resort Hotel

single room 120TL (b&b)
double room 150 TL(b&b)

Phone:+90 216 459 8989
E-mail: r1@sahilresort.com, sales@sahilresort.com, info@sahilresort.com
Web site: http://www.sahilresort.com/
