Travel & Accommodation
Closest Airport
Sunshine Coast Airport (Maroochydore) – 15km
Brisbane – 100km
Airport transfers will be provided free of charge by the LOC for Elite athletes to and from Brisbane or Sunshine Coast Airports to Sunshine Coast hotels, including provision for bike transportation.
The free service will only operate between Monday 9 March 2015 and Wednesday 18 March 2015.
All airport transfers must be registered by Friday 6 March 2015. Unfortunately bookings cannot be accepted after this date.
All ITU Accredited Elite Athletes can book their airport transfers here- https://regonline.activeglobal.com/Register/Checkin.aspx?EventID=1675913
Any additional airport transfers can be booked directly with con-x-ion- http://www.con-x-ion.com/?AID=335
Host Hotel
Please check event website:
If you require a Event Invitation Letter for Visa purposes, please forward the following details to lauren.hay@ironman.com
Full Name (as per Passport)
Date of Birth
Passport Number
Accommodation Supplier
Arrival / Departure Date
Other Accommodation
If you require a Homestay during your time in Mooloolaba, please contact the following local Triathlon Clubs:
Noosa Tri Club - clubsecretary@noosatriclub.com
Sunshine Coast Triathlon Club - president@sunshinecoasttriclub.com.au
Caloundra Tri Club - info@caloundratriclub.org.au