Swim course:1,500m
Number of laps:2
artificial canal where are 1,000 meters long, 150meters wide and 3 meters depth
Water temperature:25℃
Bike course:40km
Number of laps:4 laps
Flat. Open country road with hard surface. Traffic control.
Run course:10km
Number of laps:4 laps
Flat. Traffic control.
Event information:
Visa Requirements
For any teams traveling to compete in the New Taipei ASTC Asian Triathlon Championships and requiring a letter of invitation for visa requirements please e-mail to tai620322@hotmail.com (copy ctta99@ms55.hinet.net). The LOC will organize a formal invitation letter to be sent.
Prize money distribution - Elite men and women:
1st. 1,500 USD
2nd. 1,250 USD
3rd. 1,000 USD
4th. 750 USD
5th. 500 USD