Travel & Accommodation
Closest Airport
Amsterdam Schiphol Airport
Please inform us about your travelplans by sending your traveldetails to or by Phone: + 31 6 2803 9051.{@TAG}br /> You can use the travel details planning file at the documents section
Transport to/from Schiphol is at own cost. From Holten trainstation to your accomodation shuttle service will be provided. Please inform us about your travel plans.
ARRIVAL:{@TAG}br /> For athletes traveling with groups < 5 persons we reccomend taking the train from Schiphol
By train from Schiphol to Holten: (EUR 20,30 per person){@TAG}br /> {@TAG}a href={@DQ}{@DQ}>{@TAG}/a>
For bigger groups bus shuttle service can be provided at own expenses please inform at our Athlete support team for prices.
Host Hotel
Landal Twenhaarsveld
Landuwerweg 17
7451 SP Holten
Tel. +31-(0)548 361 458
AC Hotel Holten
Langstraat 22
7451 ND Holten
Tel. +31 (0)548 362 680
Fax. +31 (0)58 364 550
Other Accommodation
For homestay possibilities info: