2017 Salinas ITU Triathlon World Cup

Closest Airport
The nearest airport to Salinas is Guayaquil, airport code GYE.
The organization will provide Elite athletes and their delegations with transportation to and from the hotel.
Salinas is approximately 138 Km from Guayaquil. Allow a minimum of 2 hours for the drive from Guayaquil to Salinas, and additional time for the transfer back from Salinas to Guayaquil if you are flying from Guayaquil.
Contact information for Airport Transfers:
Elma Ramirez Romero
Host Hotel
Hotel Barcelo Colon Miramar
Ave. Malecon, between 38 and 40.
Other Partner Hotels:
Hotel Caridi Chipipe
Calle 12, between 4th and 5th Avenues.
Playa Chipipe.
Hotel Suite Salinas