Travel & Accommodation
Closest Airport
TRANSFERS FROM AND TO THE AIRPORT are provided by the event’s organization.
Please contact DIEGO CAMPOS no later than October 26th, with your arrival and departure information. Please include your hotel’s name and address. Transfers will be provided only to athletes, and coaches traveling to Lima the week of the event, and up to the 5th of November.
Email: diego.campos@triatlonperu.pe
Phone: +51-972 254 342
Host Hotel
Hotel: “Casa Andina” Hoteles
Lunch or dinner: from 22USD per person
Contact: Valeria Morris Reinoso
Email: vmorris@casa-andina.com
Phone: 051 01 2139773 / 054 01 2134300
Address: Av. La Paz #463, Miraflores Lima
Hotel: “Nobility”
Lunch or dinner: from 15USD per person
Contact: Sylvia Riofrio
Email: ventas2@hotelnobility.com
Phone: 051 987782063
Address: Av. Roosevelt 6461 ( Ex Republica de Panamá)- Miraflores
Hotel: “Roosevelt Hotel & Suite”
Lunch or dinner: from 25USD per person
Contact: Vanesa Gallegos Laurente
Email: ventas@hotelroosevelt.com
Phone: 051 997531236
Address: Esquina con, Av. Alvarez Calderon 194, San Isidro, Calle Miguel Dasso