2019 Quarteira ETU Triathlon Junior European Cup

Travel & Accommodation

Closest Airport

Faro’s Airport


Airport Transfers
The LOC will provide transportation from Faro and Lisbon’s Airports for the athletes and their Team Officials.

Transfers Forms

If you have any Transfer queries please contact:
Email: transfers@federacao-triatlo.pt

Transfers from Faro Airport (one direction):
- 25€ per person (if scheduled until April 12th)
- 30€ per person (if scheduled after April 12th)
The transfer back to the airport is the same amount

The NF needs to transfer amount to the LOC bank account number until Friday 19th of april:

Bank details for transfer:
Federação de Triatlo de Portugal
Bank: Caixa Geral de Depósitos
IBAN: PT50 0035 0653 0000 2383 330 08

* Athlete´s only accepted on the start list after March 12th, will only pay 25€ per person.

Receipts should be sent to etuquarteira@federacao-triatlo.pt.

Regarding the 2019 Quarteira ETU Triathlon Junior European Cup and 2019 Quarteira ETU Triathlon European Cup, the Portuguese Triathlon Federation does not refund the values of transfers payments of the athletes who do not attend to the race as this situations will responsibility of the federations who made them.
Other situations will be solved case by case.

Host Hotel

Official Hotel will be the Hotel D. José, which is in front of the Venue.
Booking through the following contact:
Adress: Hotel Dom José
Av. Infante de Sagres 143
8125-157 Quarteira
Phone: +351 289 310 210
Fax: +351 289 302 755
Email: susana.modesto@hoteldomjose.com
URL: http://www.hoteldomjose.com
