Travel & Accommodation
Closest Airport
Lisbon Airport
The LOC will provide transportation from Lisbon’s Airport for the athletes and their Team Officials.
If you have any Transfer queries please contact:
João Costa
Email: joao.costa@federacao-triatlo.pt
Phone: +351 961 558 779
Transfers from Lisbon Airport (both ways):
- 20€ per person (if scheduled until September 25th)
- 30€ per person (if scheduled after September 25th)
Bank details for transfer payment:
Federação de Triatlo de Portugal
Bank: Caixa Geral de Depósitos
IBAN: PT50 0035 0653 0000 2383 330 08
Receipts send to joao.costa@federacao-triatlo.pt
The transfer between persons who do not belong to the same delegation or group of persons will be reduced as much as possible. The use of mask is mandatory.
Host Hotel
The organization has 3 official hotel and the prices below are valid only until September 8th. After that we can´t guarantee availability or prices.
Lezíria Parque Hotel
It is located in Vila Franca de Xira, 6km away from the event venue.
Prices for the Lezíria Parque Hotel are:
Single room (B&B): 77,50€
Double/Twin room (B&B): 82,50€ (price per room)
Price per meal: 18,00€
Vip Executive Santa Iria Hotel
It is located in Santa Iria da Azóia, 12km away from the event venue.
Prices for the VIP Executive Santa Iria Hotel are:
Single room (B&B): 67,50€
Double/Twin room (B&B): 72,50€ (price per room)
Price per meal: 18,00€
Hotel Tryp Lisboa Aeroporto
It is located right at the airport, 22km from the venue
Prices for Hotel Tryp Lisboa Aeroporto are:
Single room (B&B): 99€
Double/Twin room (B&B): 109€ (price per room)
Extra for HB: 25,50€
Extra for FB: 48€
There will be guaranteed free transfer from these Hotels to the venue and back at the following schedule (the departures from Hotel Tryp Lisboa Aeroporto are 10 minutes earlier):
Friday, October 9th
8h15: Hotel - arrives at the venue at 8h40
11h30: Venue - arrives at the hotel at 11h50
15h15: Hotel - arrives at the venue at 15h40
17h00: Venue - arrives at the hotel at 17h20
Saturday, October 10th
8h00: Hotel - arrives at the venue at 8h20
11h00: Hotel - arrives at the venue at 11h20
13h30: Venue – arrives at the hotel at 13h50
14h00: Hotel – arrives ate the venue at 14h20
15h00: Hotel – arrives ate the venue at 15h20
19h15: Venue – arrives at the hotel at 19h35
Sunday, October 11th
9h00: Hotel - arrives at the venue at 9h20
13h30: Venue – arrives at the hotel at 13h50