Devonport is very proud to be elevated to the status in hosting the ITU World Paratriathlon Series event for 2020. We are ready to welcome athletes from all around the world back to Tasmania. The event has a great atmosphere, stunning course along the waterfront and big support of local community. Located on the NW Coast of Tasmania along side the Mersey River and the Bass Strait coast, Devonport enjoys river, ocean and mountain views and is close to some of Tasmania’s best natural places, including stunning Cradle Mountain. For more information, please visit - http://www.discovertasmania.com.au/about/regions-of-tasmania/north-west/devonport .
Tasmania has lot to offer and you will be surprised by the beauty of this island, delicious fresh food and some of the best wines. For more information on how to get to and around Tasmania, please see this guide (includes guide with accessible venues) - http://www.discovertasmania.com.au/travel-information
2020 Devonport ITU World Paratriathlon Series will be run in conjunction with OTU Oceania Elite/U23 and Australian Youth/Junior Championships.
Para Triathlon Course Description:
Swim = 1 Lap x 750m
· Ocean swim with in water start
Bike = 6 Laps x 3.4km = 20km
· Turn Right out of Transition West along Bluff Road to William St intersection (approx. 200m)
From William St intersection head West along Coles Beach Road
Turn left at Coles Beach travel over train line and turn Right onto North Street.
Turn left into Nixon Street at bottom of the hill
U turn just before Monash Crt intersection
Return to transition via Coles Beach Road and Bluff road to complete 3.4km lap U turn for next lap
Run = 2 Laps x 2.5km = 5km
· Head East to along Bluff Road/Victoria Parade, U turn at George Street and return (staying on the road)
Medical charges
As some components of care may require intervention beyond the scope of the event based services, even if employed medical staff are contracted by the event to provide on-site medical services, there must be a clear policy regarding potential costs to athletes associated with event based care vs secondary site/fee for service care.
Event based care – no charge:
Onsite/on course assessment
Onsite/on course intervention and treatment by designated event medical staff
Finish line/main medical tent assessment, intervention and associated services
Wound care
Other as provided
Secondary site – fee for service:
Medical intervention not associated with the event (pre or post event)
Ambulance transport to an off-site medical facility
Secondary facility services
Medical Clinic
Follow up care post event