2020 Newcastle OTU Paratriathlon Oceania Championships

Race day - Sunday 26th January 2020
Race start at 7:30 am
Newcastle Foreshore off Wharf Road - Newcastle.
- Transition area is just east of Watt St in the large car-park.
- Access Sunday only from 5.00am. Vehicle access for drop off via Wharf Rd (Watt St), Newcastle. Otherwise please park in Wharf Rd west of Watt St.
- Swim entry and exit is customs house jetty, opposite the Watt St and Wharf Rd roundabout.
- Cycle course is in and around the eastern end of Newcastle Foreshore including Wharf Rd, Nobbys Rd, Fort Drive and Shortland Esplanade.
- Finish line is just east of Queens Wharf on the promenade (on wide path)
Secure Bag area:
Transition area drop off Sunday 26th January from 5.00am, and pick up from Queens Wharf Hotel off Wharf Rd Newcastle. (note Wharf Rd west of Watt St is open at all times).
Race Kit Collection:
Saturday 25th January 2020 at 12pm - 4pm
Queens Wharf Hotel off Wharf Rd Newcastle. (note Wharf Rd west of Watt St is open at all times).
Race Briefing:
Saturday 25th January 2020 at 4pm
Queens Wharf Hotel off Wharf Rd Newcastle. (note Wharf Rd west of Watt St is open at all times).