Travel & Accommodation
Closest Airport
The main airports to reach Caorle are:
- Aeroporto Marco Polo, Venice (VCE), 52Km
- Aeroporto Antonio Canova, Treviso (TSF), 61Km
- Aeroporto Friuli Venezia Giulia, Trieste (TRS), 90Km
Transfer service will be organised for athletes, NFs, coaches and staff from Aeroporto Marco Polo,
Venice, Thursday 12th and Friday 13th before the race, and Sunday 16th and Monday 17th after the
The price for one ticket is 15€ (per person/one way, 20€ per person/round trip).
Transfer before Thursday 12th and after Monday 18th can be organised but could have different
Athletes and NFs who are planning to use transfer service are kindly invited to write to
etccaorle@silcaultralite.it no later than Friday, April 29th. NFs or groups who want to have a
private shuttle please write to etccaorle@silcaultralite.it
Public Local Transportation connects Venezia and Treviso Airports to Caorle (https://www.atvo.it/
it-servizio-aeroporti.html) by bus.
Local transfer (from hotels to race venue and viceversa) and transport from and to the airport will be
guaranteed only from and to official hotels.
Host Hotel
The LOC has agreed on some special rates at several identified hotels and apartments (from 2 to 4 stars).
If you need information about accommodation please write at etccaorle@silcaultralite.it and we will
support you to find the best offer.