2022 Europe Triathlon Cup Ceuta

Closest Airport
Malaga (AGP)
Tanger - Morrocco (TNG)
Gibraltar (GIB)
For Visa requests, you must contact:
Lourdes López
Spanish Triathlon Federation
As the distance from the airport to the hotels in Ceuta is short and taking a taxi is cheap, the LOC, due to the current situation, is not going to plan any transfer from the airport to the hotels and return.
By Car:
Drive to Algeciras ( https://goo.gl/maps/scL6zpYwNYq2yG2BA ) to take the boat, and pass to Ceuta
You can check the schedule here http://www.puertodeceuta.com/servicios/lineas-regulares/
Tickets start from 35 €
By Plane to Málaga:
Rent a car and drive to Algeciras, and follow the plan described above.
Take the official bus that will leave from Málaga Airport at 14:00 on Friday and return from Ceuta to be at Málaga Airport at 19:00 on Sunday. The cost of the bus is free for the athletes and coaches, only the ferry has to be paid. Bookings have to be done ( reservas.bcdsports@bcdme.es ) before the 2nd of October.
From Malaga Airport to Algeciras: 90 minutes
From Algeciras to Ceuta: 60 minutes
By Plane to Gibraltar: Taxe a Taxi from Gibraltar to Algeciras Port, and follow the plan described above
From Gibraltar to Algeciras: 30 minutes
From Algeciras to Ceuta: 60 minutes
By Plan to Tanger: You can book transfer service in cooperation with Morrocco Triathlon Federation through their Official Travel Agency
Contact Nasmatravelagency@gmail.com
Phone +212 0693715348
Estimated cost for 2 persons one way 120 €; return 240 €
Host Hotel
Official Travel Agency
BCDME Events
Official Hotel next to the Finish Area - Puerta de Africa Hotel