2023 Europe Triathlon Junior Cup Zagreb
FRIDAY, 08.09.2023.
Jarun Lake:
15:30 16:00 Athletes Swim Familiarization
16:00 16:30 Athletes Bike Familiarization
Faculty of Kinesiology:
17:00 18:00 Athletes Registration
18:00 18:30 Athletes Briefing
18:30 19:30 Athletes Race package pick-up
SATURDAY, 09.09.2023.
Jarun Lake:
7:00 08:00 Junior Women Athletes Lounge Chek in
07:30 08:15 Junior Women Transition Check-in
07:45 08:15 Junior Women Swim Warm up
08:20 Junior Women Athletes Introduction
08:30 Junior Woman Race START
09:40 09:50 Bike Chek-out Junior Women
09:45 10:00 Transition moderation
09:15 10:15 Junior Men Athletes Lounge Chek-in
10:00 10:45 Junior Men Athletes Transition Check-in
10:15 10:45 Junior Men Athletes Swim Warm up
10:50 Junior Men Athletes Athletes Introduction
11:00 Junior Men Race START
12:10 Bike Chek-out Junior Men
12:20 Award Ceremony Junior Women and Men
18:00 18:30 Athletes Briefing Faculty of Kinesiology