Coach Education Partnership Program (CEPP)

Coach Education Partnership Programme (CEPP)

The World Triathlon has invested significant resources into the creation and development of a series of Coach Education courses and supporting online resources. A large part of the remit of the World Triathlon is to develop the sport of Triathlon. The World Triathlon delivers several coaching courses each year, but cannot deliver sufficient coaching courses to meet the needs of all the NFs and coaches around the world. However, we are able to support NFs and enable them to start to set up their own Coach Education function.  This is where the Partnership Programme can help. It is aimed at making the most of the investment so far for the good of all.

The Partnership Programme is focussed on those NFs who don’t have full capability to create, develop or maintain their own Coach Education programs and courses. The aim of this program is for the World Triathlon to provide the online content, support and guidance to enable NFs to run coach education initiatives in their own country to help develop the sport. There are a range of options as to how this can work, and they will vary depending upon the nature, needs and capabilities of an individual NF. This could be in its simplest form an NF hosting courses in their own country run exclusively by existing World Triathlon Accredited Facilitators to run courses, with the NF covering all the costs for running the course. At the other end of the spectrum in the Partnership Programme, the NF will work with the World Triathlon to develop their own Facilitator workforce and processes, utilising the World Triathlon Education Hub. The NF will again cover all the setup and ongoing costs of running these courses but will have greater control and flexibility in a variety of areas, such as how many courses they run. This Partnership Programme is the key area covered by this guide. The drive and direction for coach education activities within this programme is a shared concept between the NF and World Triathlon.

For full details see the World Triathlon Coach Education Partnership Programme Guide in the Coach Education Documents section.

Existing Partnerships

Country CodeNational FederationStarting YearCourse LevelsWebpage
IRLTriathlon Ireland2017L1 & L2www.triathlonireland.c…
BRATriathlon Brasil2023L1
ROUTriatlon Romania2024Community Level & Instructor