World Triathlon is dedicated to supporting Coaches across the world through running numerous education opportunities, programmes and courses. The importance a Coach plays in an athlete’s life is vital for the well-being of that individual, their performance, and the culture they set within their training and racing environments. Therefore, World Triathlon must select the right Coach Facilitators to help educate, inspire, challenge, and role model best practices within Triathlon.
The Coach Facilitation Team
The team of World Triathlon Coach Facilitators have all been selected for their passion, knowledge, experience, and character. Each of the Team have vast experience as a Coach Facilitator and offer a supportive environment and a World Leading Education experience for the Coaches that attend the courses and programmes.
Coach Facilitators Roles:
Coach Facilitators run courses, programmes, and camps for Coaches and Athletes. The educational material has been designed by World Triathlon and is accessible and managed via the Learning Hub. There are several roles the Coach Facilitators have:
• Delivering Activator Courses
• Delivering formal Level 1 and 2 Coach Education courses.
• Delivering Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Courses and Workshops.
• Running camps and programmes which support Coaches and Athletes.
These courses are delivered in several ways:
• Online Education Courses.
• Blended learning opportunities.
• Face to face courses.
Facilitation Skills
• Create, manage, sustain & adapt effective learning environments focusing on the needs of the learners to reach the learning outcomes effectively.
• Role Model ‘International Standards’ of best practice.
• Effective communication skills working with individuals and groups.
• Self-reflection and self-development.
• Work effectively as part of the Facilitation team.
• Develop and maintain effective working relationships with coaches.
• Expertise in Triathlon, with current, up-to-date skills and knowledge.
World Triathlon, therefore, has an extensive process in becoming a Coach Facilitator. The application, training, and personal development process, enables individuals to share their wealth of experience, knowledge, and specialism within the context of Triathlon. World Triathlon has created a recruitment and retention programme that offers the Coach Facilitation Team, continual learning opportunities for personal growth. The culture within the World Triathlon Coach Facilitation team, encourages creativity, innovation, and international connectivity.
The opportunities for Coach Facilitators are vast, with assignments, programmes, and courses taking the team across the World. The environments Coach Facilitators are likely to work within can range from working with fully online courses to blending learning opportunities or face-to-face courses, where Coach Facilitators work in Regions and Continents that may offer a new, culturally diverse learning experience for them.
For the list of active World Triathlon Coach Facilitators please visit this link.